Depression: One Small Battle at a Time

Depression is more than just feeling sad. Depression is a psychological, social, and biological disorder that can affect you mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

This usually leads to a person feeling as though they are not in control of their own body or their emotions. 

Here are a few ways in which you can regain your sense of control and your well-being overall. 

Meet yourself where you are

When it comes to depression, every day will present its own unique set of circumstances and challenges. You might go days at a time, where you feel as though you’ve turned a corner, only to slip right back into that downward spiral of feelings and emotions. Even in the lowest of moments, you have to make sure that where you are right now is not where you will always be. 

There is light at the end of that tunnel, it will just require time and treatment to reach it. So be kind, be patient, and be open in your journey to healing.

Feel down, but be constructive

Societal norms have made it common for people to bottle up their emotions, in the hopes that those negative feelings will just fade away with time. This strategy usually has the opposite effect, causing people to feel even more depressed and even more isolated. 

That is why if you are feeling down, allow yourself to feel and experience those emotions. If you wish to keep those moments private, take a self care day and set aside some time for you to let those emotions out in a safe and controlled environment. 

While you are in this state, it is important that you use that time to journal those emotions in order to properly explore them. Write what is on your mind, what seems to be the root of these problems, and what thoughts came into your mind that allowed for you to eventually feel better. 

Once you have calmed down, write down your emotional state here as well. Seeing the ebbs and flows of your emotions will allow you to better comprehend your depressive symptoms, which will allow you to react to these feelings better and better each time. 

Don’t listen to that “negative voice”

When we are at our lowest points, we have a negative voice in our heads that fills us with doubt, self-hatred, and pessimism. 

Ignore that negative voice; you are stronger than your negative thoughts. Learn how to recognize this voice, because doing so can help you combat it. 

A vast majority of the time, these negative thoughts are not realistic ones. Your mind is conjuring up the worst case scenarios which can prevent you from seeing the more logical solution that is right before your eyes. 

Take your time and address each negative thought as it comes, one small battle at a time.


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